STEM Near Me is a free resource to help you quickly find opportunities to engage in all types of science, technology, engineering, math, (STEM) events, projects, and programs near you, in person and online. Our primary goal is to help anyone, anywhere in Alabama participate in STEM programs that matter across recreational, educational or professional interests.
In the boxes below, you can enter your search preferences and STEM Near Me will scan our partners’ opportunities and present a list of options for you in seconds! These options include museum events, field trips, science camps/clubs, community STEM projects, science cafes and more. Search by location, topic, audience, and more to find the experience that is right for you!
Want to broadcast your STEM program or event to more viewers? Register your event here.
In partnership between SciStarter, Oregon State University's STEM Research Center, COSI's Center for Research and Evaluation, the Association of Science and Technology Centers, the Science Festival Alliance, The Connectory, Discover Magazine, & The Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Sheila Holt
Executive Director
Lawrence Cooper
Program Manager
Rene McNeal
STEM Ecosystems Coordinator
Elizabeth Mohr
Operations Manager
Jeremy Underwood
Communications Manager
Want to stay informed about AL STEM Council Programs? Join our mailing list and let us know your interests!
Please monitor the state comptroller’s website for any future RFP postings. You may also register for future notifications on the comptroller’s website. (
© 2024 Alabama STEM Council, All Right Reserved