Alabama Kicks-off New Year with Statewide STEM Initiative – Calls for Applications for Ecosystems Planning Incentives to Drive Collaboration

The Alabama STEM Council, in collaboration with TIES, Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM, is pleased to announce the launch of a statewide initiative to establish connected STEM Learning Ecosystems (SLEs). This initiative, supported by funding from the Alabama legislature, is intended to promote collaboration among businesses, K-12 schools, higher education institutions, government entities, out-of-school time providers, philanthropic organizations, and more.

Lee Meadows, Executive Director for the Alabama STEM Council, said, “This initiative marks a significant step toward fostering collaboration and innovation in STEM education and STEM workforce development across our state. STEM Ecosystems create a brighter future for Alabama’s learners and communities.”

The STEM Ecosystems aim to enhance learning experiences and contribute to the growth of a thriving local economy that benefits all Alabamians. The vision is to offer accessible STEM education opportunities for learners across Alabama through effective cross-sector partnerships, establishing a sustainable statewide culture of entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic prosperity.

21 Grants for STEM Learning Ecosystem Planning Incentives (SLEPI)
To encourage the establishment of emerging Alabama STEM Learning Ecosystems, the Alabama STEM Council is pleased to announce the availability of 21 STEM Learning Ecosystem Planning Incentives (SLEPI). As part of the “Building Alabama’s Future in STEM” initiative, these incentives will provide funding of up to $50,000 per accepted application.
The application period for SLEPI is currently open for submissions. To formally kick off the planning incentives, the Alabama STEM Council will hold two events – an in-person event at the McWane Science Center in Birmingham, Alabama, on January 13, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. CT, and an online webinar on Thursday, January 18, 2024, from 12:00-12:30 p.m. CT.
Please RSVP by completing this linked form by Thursday, January 11, 2024.
Please refer to the official documentation linked here for detailed information on the application process, eligibility criteria, and SLEPI recipient expectations.

About Alabama STEM Council
The Council has 49 total members drawing from the five sectors of industries: K-12 & higher education, CTE/postsecondary training, informal STEM, and public officials/leaders. The purpose of the Council is “to advise the Legislature, the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, and the State Department of Education on ways to improve STEM-related education, career awareness, and workforce development” across Alabama. The Council builds on the work of Alabama’s Roadmap for STEM Success and is situated administratively within AIDT in the Department of Commerce.

About TIES and STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice
With philanthropic support from some of the nation’s leading businesses and foundations, TIES and its STEM Learning Ecosystems initiative has grown to encompass 111+ Ecosystems across the globe, including a strong network of Ecosystems in Alabama. While all Ecosystems work to improve STEM learning for all, no two Ecosystems are exactly alike. TIES facilitates the design of Ecosystems and the sharing of learning among them. Learn more at

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